About Us
Old School Ghost Recon Team Founded Nov 2003....
If you are interested in joining DME here is all the info you need to know.
First ask yourself these questions:
Do you talk smack during or after a game?
Do you belittle people based on their game performance?
Do you use profanity often out loud or through chat?
Do you like to whine and cry when things don't go your way?
If you answered Yes to any of these questions then DME is probably not for you. We are mostly an older group of guys but, we do allow virtual any age to join up. Some of us have kids that get online and game with us and we always have to keep this in mind when they are around. Some of our members might even have religious preferences so, the foul language has to be kept to a minimum.
With that said, anyone is welcome to join DME. We do not discriminate on your age, location, game skill or any other means other than the way you act. As long as your a good sport and not a bad egg the chances we will ask you to represent our squad are very high.
First things first, we need to get to know you. Its imperative that you first inform us of your interest, rarely do we ask someone we don't know to join our team.
Our comms Info can be found on our website.
If you are interested in joining DME here is all the info you need to know.
First ask yourself these questions:
Do you talk smack during or after a game?
Do you belittle people based on their game performance?
Do you use profanity often out loud or through chat?
Do you like to whine and cry when things don't go your way?
If you answered Yes to any of these questions then DME is probably not for you. We are mostly an older group of guys but, we do allow virtual any age to join up. Some of us have kids that get online and game with us and we always have to keep this in mind when they are around. Some of our members might even have religious preferences so, the foul language has to be kept to a minimum.
With that said, anyone is welcome to join DME. We do not discriminate on your age, location, game skill or any other means other than the way you act. As long as your a good sport and not a bad egg the chances we will ask you to represent our squad are very high.
First things first, we need to get to know you. Its imperative that you first inform us of your interest, rarely do we ask someone we don't know to join our team.
Our comms Info can be found on our website.